Wednesday, August 11, 2010

01.01 The trip to the cottage "Marya, do you see some.."

First Day 1 scene! For the first time - all the main characters together!

Marya Petrov as herself
Friar Tyles as Micheal
SweetLove80 Destiny as Wren (after the crash)
Federico Perenti as Ronald and Wren (!) until the car crash

Marya Petrov waves a hand dismissively: "You worry too much about your car, Wren! Don't worry, your daddy can always have it cleaned."

Wren rolls her eyes "oh sure .... he will ... but we drive to drive back and I do not want to ruin my skirt. You can not imagine what I paid for it"

Marya Petrov's eyes drift down to Wren's skirt, quite sure she paid a lot for it. Slightly envious, she fails to notice Michael's wolfish glance: "Well, Wren, daddy will surely buy you another skirt too if that one is soiled! Anyway, don't worry so much, we're here to have fun!"

Wren rolls her eyes again "oh you get nothing! of course dad will give me every money I need for my clothes. But I really do not want to drive back in a smelling dirty skirt. thats it. Got it honey?"

Ronald. is the last to arrive. He's in a hurry, with as much luggage as he can carry. Michael gave him something to carry too, and, hidden between socks and pants, there is the stash of drugs he was in charge to prepare. "Hello everyone! Marya.. Michael.. Wren.. I hope you all didn't wait too long, hehehehe"

Marya Petrov raises an eyebrow as she watches Ronaldscurry toward the car, barely able to carry his bags. She shakes her head in amusement, unable to decide whether he's ridiculous or cute: "Well, it's about time! I can't wait to get going... I want to have a daquiri on the deck while the sun's going down!"

Wren looks bored. She smiles at them, lights a cig. "So are we going?" She touches the car.

Michael glances at the car and then back Ronaldand sighs...'better late than never get everything? Michael stares hard at Ronaldto emphasise the word 'everything'. He then looks up at the sun and agree's with Wren....'yeah i really wanna catch the sun down too with cold drink...lets hit the road'

Ronald shrugs. He looks at Michael, nods, whispers, "who do you think, I'm not dumb." He throws the suitcases in the back and looks at Wren. "Are you.." but she shakes her head. He looks at Michael again. "Want to drive? Or want me to?" He'd rather stay in the back with Marya or Wren, and wonders how they will sit.

Marya Petrov taps Wren on the shoulder and motions for a cigarette. She'd never admit she follows Wren's lead, but... somehow everything Wren does seems attractive. Taking the cigarette, she leans forward to light it from the tip of Wren's, playfully putting her hands on the other girl's hips: "Thank you, dahling!" She stands to the side, arm around Wren's waist, and glances coquettishly between the two men: "Well, boys, one of you needs to take command and drive, I think! Who will it be?"

Wren hugs back Marya. But suddenly, she turns, freeing from her, and approaches Michael. "I think we want to chat in the back."

Michael winks at wren then looks at Ronaldshaking his head in a show of mock sympathy...'sorry were last to got the driving duty'. He steps forwards and opens the rear passenger door and says to wren...'after you baby'

Ronald saw this coming and nods. He looks down, kicks a wheel, and only then he looks at Marya, who he had quite ignored up to now. "I'll be happy to drive you all. Seems you're my navigator. Are you good with the maps?" He moves to the wheel and turns the engine on, pressing too much on the accelerator.

Marya Petrov's smile falters only for a second and she hops over to the passenger side door, pulling it open and bouncing inside. She'd rather sit with Michael, especially after he was so gallant the other day, rescuing her from that creep who followed her into the shower, but what the hell. Dragging on her cigarette, she flicks ashes out the window: "Well, I can read! And you, can you drive as well as you can play soccer?" She chuckles and pulls out a map, turning it this way and that to orient herself.

Wren slides in the back, behind Marya, and leans on Marya's seat, playing with her hair. "Let's hit the road!"

Michael swings his arm up and behind wren to place it on her head rest and claps his thigh with the other...'Amen to that.' He hears the sound of the engine rev and adds...'lets get this show on the road'

Wren keeps brushing Marya's hair, being silent.

Michael shifts him self in the chair to get as comfortable as possible as the car moves along the road. He reaches into his pocket and produces a small shiny hip flask, unscrews the top and takes a small sip before offering it across to wren...'a little something to pass the journey?'

Ronald keeps driving, trying to make it before night. But it's soon clear - after a traffic jam and some detours - that the night is going to fall before they arrive to the cottage. The two in the back have been drinking all Micheal's reserve and he's resentful that he could not have a drop. Finally, the stars are out, and they rush on a solitary mountain road. "Hey. We're way past possible police check. Can I have a drink too?" He says, slowing down the drive to negotiate a series of U-turns.

Marya Petrov leans back in her chair, bringing her hands up to touch Wren's and enjoying the attention from the other girl. She settles the seatbelt between her breasts and wriggles in her seat, watching the two in the backseat drink and clearly filled with excitement. "Boy, I can't wait to see the cabin, Wren! Is there a fireplace? I heard there might be snow, and I love to snuggle up in front of a fire when it's cold outside... Bearskin rug and hot toddy and all that!" She reaches around, wiggling her fingers to take the flask for her and Ronald

Michael hands over the flask without much resistance as the mellow feeling from the licquor works its magic. Looking back at wren he says...'it's the best way of staying's a scientific fact'. He grins a little then looks forwards in the car at Ronald..'doing a great job up front Ronald

Wren has started to laugh after the first two sips. She teases Michael on one curve, sliding over him, pulls away from him at the next one "you keep on your seat! I don't wanna these two in front to think bad of us! Marya, keep your eyes on Micheal SO he can BEHAVE!"

Ronaldholds the flask and shakes it. "Hey it's empty!" He tilts his head to drink, only a few drops sliding on his tongue. "Damn it.. well I'll make up when we arrive." Another couple of U-turns then he bends on the wheel, his voice suddenly worried. "Marya, do you see some.." and then, all of a sudden....


Marya Petrov rolls her eyes in amusement at Wren's antics and twists around in her seat, her breasts gripping the seatbelt as she turns. "Oh, is Michael being a bad boy? Wren, I'm sure you have ways of dealing with naughty boys, don't you?" She returns her attention to the front seat just in time to SCREAM as the car hits an obstruction...

Michael has no idea whats happening when the whole world seems to lurch and he jerks forwards against his seat belt.....'WHATTHEFUCKKK'. he slams his head against the frame of the car door then slams back into his seat

Wren grabs the frontseat and screams "what the .... " her face smacks against head rest and her lips begins to bleed

Ronaldturns the wheel from one side, then to the other. The car touches the road bumpers, brakes shriek, there is a loub BANG as one of the wheels explodes. Ronaldmoves his hand, lowers gear, then accelerates, managing at the last moment to get the car out of a spin and forward, in a small space between the mountain side and the road, stopping it one inch before the impact. He seems frozen now, blinking, hands clutching the steering wheel.

Marya Petrov's body thrashes in the front seat, her hair whipping back and forth as the car lurches from side to side. Her mouth open in a scream, she tries to brace herself for the big impact she's sure is coming, and then she stops shrieking, hands against the dashboard, mouth open and chest heaving. She looks over at Ronald eyes wide with fear.

Michael looks up dazed from the bump on his head and blinks several times as things seem to run in slow motion. His heart pounds hard and he hears it thumping as everything else seems to be quiet. He eventually gets a grip of himself...'everyone ok?'

Wren looks out of the window and shakes her head "what happend?" she feels her heart beating faster and touches her lip, watching the blood on her fingertip

Ronaldis shaken by the voices. "There was something - an animal? It was dark, it didn't move.. on the road - it was there - have you seen it? Damn it I can't open my fingers. I'm ok. Ok. ok." He starts to slowly uncoil his fingers.

Marya Petrov rubs her shoulder where the seatbelt has bruised her and squeezes her eyes shut against her growing headache. She reaches over and lays a hand on Ronalds, trying to help calm him. Her voice trembling, she manages: "OK, OK... I did see something, Ronald I'm not sure what. But I'm ok... how about you guys?" She turns her head to peer into the back seat.

Michael reaches up and rubs his head feeling a bit of a bump inside the hairline. Glancing back at Marya then turning in his seat to to wren he says...'i'm on one ok?. he reaches out and gently takes her hand with the blood on the finger tips.

Wren is still looking out of the window and nods "yeah i am ok." she looks to michael and smiles "don´t worry, it will heal soon. hey we´ve got luck, the cottage isn´t far away from here." she looks to Ronaldand beats his shoulder "can the car bring the rest of the way?"

Ronald feels the touch and grabs Marya's hand, a claw on her fingers. "I'm ok I'm ok." He turns the inside light on, "damn it damn it! It's MY fault guys I'm so sorry!" Wren's finger are evidenced by the sudden light. "Are you sure you 're ok?" He looks outside. "I .. I think .. I'm not sure I can take it out in the dark. And I'm pretty sure there's a broken tyre - I mean maybe we can *gulps* walk to the cottage? And tomorrow we have a look at it?" He jumps out of the car, shivers in the cold of the night. Looks up at the stars, reaches the road. "Can you walk, guys?"

Marya Petrov rubs the back of her neck with one hand and returns
Ronalds grip with the other, smiling comfortingly at him. He didn't have Michael's suave confidence, but there was something kind of cute about him... vulnerable. "Hey, don't blame yourself, Ronald It was dark, there was nothing you could have done... and you hadn't even had a drink yet! I'm sure we can just walk..." She hops out of the car, her bubbly spirit reasserting itself.

Michael says as Ronaldjumps out of the car...'Dude you suck'...but his comments are meant to lighten the mood rather than criticise. He twists in his seat and presses the button and the the buckle pops free. Looking up at Wren he shrugs...'looks like we have a little stroll to end the evening huh'

Wren sighs "well, that will be a cold walk." she follows michael and leaves the car, rubbing her arms and watching her warm breath in the cold air

Ronald opens the back of the car and picks up only one suitcase. "The rest we'll take tomorrow." He starts to walk, two, three steps, breathes the brisk cold air. He turns, seeing Marya's profile in the dark, waits for her, and puts his arm across her shouder, shyily, while balancing the suitcase in the other. They walk in silence. "There is the house." He says, seeing its profile in the dark.

Marya Petrov wraps an arm reassuringly around Ronalds waist as he lays his arm across her shoulders and sets off. She walks close to him, her hip bumping into his thigh. He'd been kind of weird that day on the soccer pitch and in the changing room, but he was nervous and perhaps not himself, and tonight he seemed a lot cuter, somehow. She laughs gaily and gestures to Michael and Wren with her free hand: "Come on, guys! We've survived our first little adventure, and I need a drink! Let's go!"

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