Monday, August 2, 2010

00.01 Day 0: Marya meets Ronald.

Here is the first example of play. Ronald meets Marya at college. They talk, play a soccer match, and there is something about a kiss.. and an ex-girlfriend.

Marya: Maribell Galicia
Mara Zane as herself
Ronald: Federico Perenti


Ronald walks around the soccer field and stops he sees Marya. "Hey!" He raises his hand and waves, closing distance, with a wide smile. "Hey there. " He nods towards the field. "Already done with your books? I was taking some fresh air.. Do you play soccer?"

Marya waves back to Ronald "hey. yeah it is enough today, i can´t read anything more." she looks to the soccer field "hm i am not very sporty."

Ronald moves nearer to her, but looking away, at the field. He is still worried about the preparation for the trip - Micheal was very clear in giving him a special task. "Oh, well, we will have to exercise when we get on the mountains.. do you ski? Weather should be good, at least on the first days. Say, you're eager to go?"

Marya smiles and nods "oh yeah i am looking forward to do this trip. it will be relaxing to forget the school, the work ... nearly everything." she breathes deep and begins to dream with open eyes

Ronald sees her looking up and away. He uses the chance to set his eyes on her - wondering if he will sleep with her. That would just be logical - the champions, Michael and Wren, and their friends, Marya and Ronald. He is used to get his friend's second choices - and in this case, he is quite happy about it. If only he could find the drugs... "Yes, it will be a great week." He chews a bit on his lips, turns to the field again. "Come on. Let's kick the ball. Just for fun"

Marya nods "yeah ok but be careful with me, i´ve never played before." she watches Ronald but her mind goes to micheal. she thinks often about him but she is too sneaky to talk to him. one more reason to be jealous on wren, she isn´t sneaky, she does what she wants

Ronald gives her a wink. The more she relaxes with him, the easier she will be to take to bed. He takes off his coat, leans it on the rail and jumps in the field. "So what are we betting? I'll give you one point of advantage." He sees someone on the other side of the field, recognizes his ex, Mara, and leans back on the rail. "Pss. Marya. No mention of the holiday, ok? DId Wren told you?" Of course Wren must have warned her, he thinks, Wren's boyfriend hasn't been invited - The holiday is not going to be gossiped about.

Marya nods "yeah she has." she whispers back "so what would you bet with me?"

Ronald quickly marks a score in his own goal, then returns the ball to the center. He winks again at her. "A kiss. He whispers and kicks the ball away before she could asnwer.

Federico Perenti: ((let's play, lol, this seems interesting))

Marya stares in the air, she seems shocked and trys to find her mind "oh you ... you ... " she snorts "ok we will see." she kan´t belive what she said

Mara Zane was walking with her head down, her long hair picked up briefly by the breeze and she patted it in place causing her to look over in the field. She groaned inwardly. "oh no. not Ronald." she managed a small wave but continued straight in her path.

RS-SoccerBall V1.0: GOAL BY: Federico Perenti

Ronald laughs "even now.. only a very short time remainig!"

Marya growls when Ronald hits the goal "oh shit."

RS-SoccerBall V1.0: GOAL BY: Federico Perenti

Marya stomps on the ground "that can´t be truth." she shrugs "ok you are the winner."

Ronald stops, panting, his hands on his knees, bent. "Ow. This was difficult. A sport meant for more than two players." He glances around, Mara being still in sight. "Well, it's better that we don't stick too much together, um, in public, dont' you think? We don't want Wren's .. I mean out little secret to stick out. I'll tell you.. " he speaks quickly to prevent her from discussing. "I'll sneak into the changing room. Reach me there!" He grabs his coat and speeds down. "In five minutes!"

Marya looks behind him "the chaning room?" she murmurs lightly to herself. her eyes focus mara and she sighs "hm i think he is right." she leaves the field and trys to remember where the changing rooms are

Ronald looks around, protected by the hill, not seeing anyone he knows he pushes the changing room door that opens with a creak. He enters in the neon light, silence, no one seems to be around. He flexes his hands, five minutes, she will not come and he'll be the fool. He needs a joint now, but he's got nothing with him - stashing away for the holidays. He sighs and leans on the cold locker.

Mara Zane reached the edge of the field only to turn and watch the two disapear. "huh" she thought to herself, shaking off the idea. She heard the mention of Wren carry in the air. "I wonder if I should find out what they are up to?" she thinks to herself, turning as if she might follow then turning back again. She was always indecisive.

Marya looks around, searching the changing room. she finds a plan of the area in the school floor and studys it "oh yeah i am silly sometimes." she grins and goes back to the field, down to the changing rooms

Ronald smiles when she arrives and runs to close the door, leaning with his shoulders on it. He's still warm from the running, and he can feel she's warmed up too. He wonders for a moment about his breath, then shakes his head. "Marya. You're a precise girl, aren't you?" He makes no movement to get near, holding the door but giving her full freedom of movement in the enclosed space.

Mara Zane at the last minute decides to follow the two. "who would want to be alone with Roland?" she thinks and she shuffles through the field to the lockers. She had visions of there break-up and she shuddered at how strange he had become after.

Marya nods lightly and goes deeper inside the room "yeah i think i am so. why do you ask?" she watches him and wonders why he seems to be breathless

Ronald steps in. He's nervous, knows that, and thinks of Michael, who is always so smooth in what he does. He grabs her arm, holding the grip a bit too strong - pulls her to himself with his heart beating too fast. He looks in her eyes. "So.. my prize."

RS-SoccerBall V1.0: Get off!

Marya trys to free her arm "hey calm down, you hurt me." she grimace with pain and steps a bit back "i will give you."

Ronald relaxes the grip and closes his eyes. "Well I'm ready." He says, waiting, starting to hug her again, this time more carefully.

Marya goes closer to him and kisses his cheek shortly "ok we are quit."

Ronald opens his arms. He feels cheated. He glances back at the closed door, stiffens, and runs to it, keeping it closed with his hand. "No we aren't. Come on, you cheated!"

Marya looks confused "i did what?" she shakes her head "you are kidding me ... you wanted a kiss and you got it ... you haven´t said what kind of kiss, there were no details." she bites her lip as she realizes that he has locked the door and there is no other way to come out of the changing room

Mara Zane slipped of her shoes as she noticed them click on the stone. She didnt want to let roland know she was following him. She reached for the door and was expecting to quietly open it when she realized it seemed lock.

Ronald feels her discomfort and smiles. "Well but I was disappointed .. oh who cares. Forget about the kiss. But, but, I'll say there's a tax to pay for the door to open." He looks at her lewdly. "Not a kiss. Hahaha!" He is a little scared of his own words when he continues, "get on your knees." Then he need to breathe. What would Micheal do? He wonders, damn, can I say it was a joke now?

Marya stares to him with opened mouth "what???" she goes backwards with shaking head "no ... no i don´t .... i have to talk to wren ... i don´t go somewhere with you."

Ronald grunts. Micheal will not be happy of this. He steps on, letting go of the door, and smiles, trying to be friendly. "Come on Marya, don't be like that, can't you see I was joking? We're friends. Arent' we? Come on, can't you take a joke? We're all adult here. "

Mara Zane heard the voices and she pressed her ear against the door. He seemed to be ordering the girl on her knees. Now, why would he do that? The Ronald she left was awkward and unconfident,t his voice seemed anything but. She steeled herself to listen some more.

Marya breathes deep "oh damn Ronald, i was really afraid." she hopes that he has really made a joke with her and grabs her shirt nervous

Ronald nods and leans on the wall. "Here, you get out first. I'll wait so that, so that no one sees us together." He mumbles his words, resentful.

Marya nods and goes to the door, thinking if she really has cheated him. he was right, they are adult and she has knows what he wanted and what is a kiss for a friend." she stops in front of him and presses her lips on his

Mara Zane backs away slowly from the door, still nosey about what was being said but they were dangerously close to discovering her.

Ronald closes his eyes at the touch. His head spins, thank you, he thinks, why relations should alwaybe be so difficult. He feels proud of himself , wants to hold her but resists the urge, better enjoying the small victory and not asking for more. He smiles at her. "Now go. Hey, remember to pack warm clothes. The second half of the week we could have snow." He says, trying to be nice.

Mara Zane felt them nearing to the door and quickly darted around the building, trying to piece the puzzle she just heard together.

Marya smiles softly and nods "yeah i will think for it." she whispers and goes to the door and opens it to go out and walking away

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