Tuesday, August 3, 2010

00.02. Wren and Micheal chatting. "should I be in the locker room?!?  I could get a reputation!"

Here is the second scene - This time featuring Wren and Micheal. Short but good to understand the characters.

Michael: Federico Perenti
Wren Monday - exceptionally - as herself!

Wren Monday: should I be in the locker room?!?  I could get a reputation..!

Michael Wright: that makes sense with your character.

Wren Monday: aww...*pouts*

Michael Wright: .. and you could get something more than a reputation.

Michael Wright relaxes on the bench, sprawled in his unique cool way. He has the unique quality of seeming always at ease, as if the world was shaped around him. The boys are sweating in the gym, something that he would never be caught doing. "Wren." he just said, his voice deep and musical.

Wren Monday looks nervously around the corner at the class going on, but enjoying the thrill of being somewhere she ought not be... "Okay Michael...I came! What didja wanna chat about? Maybe we should go somehere that's NOT the locker room..?" *nods meaningfully towards the gym proper just outside the door...*

Michael Wright looks back at her. He looks surpised - he often does, as if he could never get used to the petty worries of normal people. Other students passing by stopped, speechless, admiring for a second the two beauty stars of the college facing each other. Someone would probably tell Tom, Wren's fiance'; Michael Wright does not care, nor he moves. "Hey Wren, you can just go there. I will reach you later." but his tone meant the opposite. Then a light flashed in his eyes. "Ronald is picking up groceries for the trip." He winked quickly.

Wren Monday silently lights up in clear delight.."Ooooooh..! That's the BEST!! Is he gonna need...any grocery money? I don't wanna run out of...um, groceries..! This trip is gonna be ACES! I SO canNOT wait..."

Wren Monday bounces on the balls of her feet in excitement!

Michael Wright opens his arms. He was not meaning groceries, but there was no point in telling her now. He stood to his feet. Most boys in the college didn't even manage to talk without stuttering in the presence of Wren. But he just pinched her cheek. "You don't talk too much, ok? The idea of not telling Tom was yours idea." He left her there, walking away with his relaxed, springing step.

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